Read Across Jamaica is an annual event observed in the child month of May each year. It is an effort that aims to promote literacy and education among children island wide. The initiative was introduced in 2003 by Ms. Ja’nice Wisdom, Executive Director and Founder of Read Across Jamaica Foundation who has put her passion into building and branding Read Across Jamaica and its Literacy Initiative. It has since become a much-anticipated event for both students and teachers alike. TransJamaican Highway Limited and Jamaican Infrastructure Operator Limited continue to volunteer to this initiative to read to a child to foster a love for reading and learning in Jamaican youth.
The theme for the year 2023 was “Reading Crosses Borders”. The collective team journeyed to the Chandlers Pen Primary and Junior High Schools located in Clarendon, and the Silverstone Basic School located in St. Catherine. The students were extremely excited to welcome us and readily engaged in our storytelling and lively discussions.
We were delighted and honored to participate in such an important national project and the children’s enthusiasm once a joy to observe. “Read Across Jamaica” has become a cornerstone event in promoting literacy and education in Jamaica. Through the collective efforts of the Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA), primary and early childhood schools, community organizations, and private entities, the event has had a significant impact on students, teachers, and the wider community. As it continues to grow, it is hoped that it will inspire other Countries in the region to adopt similar initiatives and work toward improving literacy rates and education outcomes in the formative years of children.