Terms & Conditions


The T-Tag© is a product based on electronic vehicle tag (“T-Tag©”) linked to a User account and issued to Users of Highway 2000 East-West for payment of the toll. It is issued upon the terms and conditions set out in this document. The T-Tag© allows Users to pay the toll payable in respect of a given Class of vehicles (as defined by the most recent Toll Tariffs published in the Jamaica Gazette) in the automatic lanes equipped with an electronic toll collection device, which lanes shall be indicated by the symbol t.


The T-Tag© is issued by Jamaican Infrastructure Operator Limited (“JIO”) on behalf of TransJamaican Highway Limited (“TJH”). Additionally, third parties contracted for this purpose by JIO or TJH as authorized dealers may also either sell the T-Tag© or reload the User’s account.

  1. USER

“User” is defined as any person to whom the T-Tag© has been issued. The “User account” is the account maintained between JIO and User in respect of the toll charges payable for usage of Highway 2000 EastWest by vehicles using User’s T-Tag© product.


Usage of the T-Tag© and/or the associated swipe card shall constitute the applicant’s acceptance of these terms and conditions. JIO’s toll records shall be the sole arbiter of said usage. Following the collection of the T-Tag© and/or associated swipe card, the applicant will also have the option to complete and submit a Know Your Customer (“KYC”) form available for collection at Sales Offices and via the website of either JIO and/or TJH. The completion of this KYC form will provide additional benefits to the applicants as described in Clauses 6, 9 and 10, which can only be derived from the information provided via the completed KYC form.


The T-Tag© product shall be valid from the time at which it is issued to User until:

  1. The User account is terminated by either User or JIO, in accordance with the terms of this document, or;
  2. Upon its return to JIO by User in accordance with a request from JIO for the return of the T-Tag© product in accordance with the terms of this document, or;
  3. The T-Tag© product is deactivated by JIO at User’s request in accordance with the procedure set out in condition 6, as a consequence of loss or theft of the T-Tag© and/or in accordance with the terms outlined in Clause 9 which details how this contract shall be terminated by JIO.

User shall report any loss or theft of the T-Tag© product immediately upon becoming aware of such loss or theft. Such loss or theft shall be reported by telephone to JIO. In notifying of such loss or theft, User’s T-Tag© or card number must be provided, failing which the report will not be effective to deactivate the T-Tag© product and User’s liability will continue until such time as an effective report is made. Where a report has been made which is in compliance with this procedure, the T-Tag© product will immediately be deactivated. User shall provide written confirmation to JIO of the loss or theft report. JIO shall not be obliged to act upon the instructions which are not provided by an authorized representative of User. At User’s request, a new T-Tag© product will be issued and the cost of the new T-Tag© will be charged to User. The User shall be responsible for all charges debited to his account arising from the use of the TTag© product.


The T-Tag© product shall remain the property of JIO, and JIO reserves the right to revoke and/or replace it where there has been fraudulent or improper use of the T-Tag© product, or where it has been damaged or defaced, or if the T-Tag© is malfunctioning or defective. JIO reserves the right to request the return of the T-Tag© product, and User shall be obliged to return the T-Tag© product to JIO within 30 days of receiving such request. JIO also reserves the right to blacklist/deactivate the T-Tag© without further notice if the User has failed to return the device within 30 days as requested and/or if JIO has valid reason to suspect fraudulent or improper use, or if the device malfunctions or has been damaged.


8.1 User shall not re-sell or rent the T-Tag© to any other person.

8.2 User shall be responsible for maintaining the T-Tag© product in safe custody and in good physical condition.

8.3 User shall properly affix the T-Tag© to the windshield of vehicle to which it relates, and never attempt to remove it as it may be irredeemably damaged in the process.

8.4 User shall ensure that vehicle is operated at toll plazas on Highway 2000 East-West in accordance with all guidelines issued by JIO from time to time.

8.5 User shall not affix more than one T-Tag© to a vehicle.

8.6 In the event the T-Tag© fails to work correctly in the toll plaza, or if the automatic toll lane is not in operation, User or any person operating the vehicle on his behalf shall be required to move the vehicle to a manual lane and use the accompanying swipe card provided with the T-Tag© at initial issue, or another means of payment, or sign a Passage Certificate or IOU with specific mention of either his T-Tag© (sticker) number or swipe card number for further off lane processing.

8.7 In the event the User sells his/her vehicle, the T-Tag© shall not be transferred from this vehicle (see precautionary note about removing the T-Tag© in Clause 8.3). A new T-Tag© (sticker) can be purchased for the vehicle at the prescribed cost. Whilst the ‘old’ swipe card will be available for reuse, the ‘old’ T-Tag© (sticker) will be deactivated. Funds in excess of JMD 100.00 remaining on the old account may be applied to the new account after being rounded downward to the nearest JMD 100.00 and thereafter closed.


Either User or JIO may terminate this contract in accordance with the provisions of this condition 9. If User wishes to terminate the contract, User shall so advise JIO or a sales outlet of any authorized dealer in writing of his intention, and termination shall be effective upon the return of the T-Tag© product to JIO or any sales outlets of authorized dealers. If JIO wishes to terminate the contract, it shall advise User in writing accordingly, specifying the effective date of the termination, but giving not less than 30 days’ notice of such termination, or without written notice if the User has not submitted a completed KYC form with contact information. If termination by JIO is as a result of either (i) fraudulent use of the TTag© product, or (ii) failure by User to pay any sums in respect of his account, then the termination shall be immediate and notice shall not be required to be given to the User. JIO is not obliged to supply a reason for termination of this contract, but it is hereby acknowledged and understood by User that (i) failure on the part of User to comply with his obligations hereunder or (ii) the cancellation of the prepaid electronic toll collection contract between customer and provider will result in JIO terminating this contract.


JIO reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions issued. If User does not accept the modification, User may terminate the contract and return to JIO all products issued under this Contract. If User does not terminate the contract User shall be deemed to have accepted the modifications and shall be bound thereby. Updates to this Contract posted on the JIO and/or TJH website shall be deemed as having been communicated to the User at the time of posting. For Users who have submitted a completed KYC form with email contact information and/or Users who have registered for the online and mobile top up platform, additional notification may also be issued via the email address provided.


11.1 Queries and complaints from User in connection with the use of the T-Tag© product should be made to JIO within 90 days of the date of issue of the T-Tag© product. All sums due to JIO shall continue to be paid by the User notwithstanding any such query or complaint. JIO will effect all required corrections to User’s account at the conclusion of any investigation conducted by its arising from any such query or complaint and will provide to User proof of the transactions on this User’s T-Tag© product that have been electronically recorded.

11.2 Each electronic recording of the use of the T-Tag© constitutes proof that User, or someone using User’s T-Tag© product has passed through the toll plaza.

11.3 In the event that the T-Tag© product proves to be defective in operation, User may return it to JIO and JIO shall, if so requested, replace the T-Tag© product at User’s cost except where the defect is as a result of a manufacturing defect and the defect is reported to JIO in accordance with Clause 11.1.


12.1 When passing through a toll lane, User, or any person using User’s T-Tag© product shall maintain, unless otherwise indicated, a minimum distance of five (5) metres from the vehicle in front on entering and exiting the toll lane.

12.2 Vehicles are to be operated with extreme caution in the toll plaza having regard to the presence of pedestrians and barriers.


Personal Information is being defined as the details of a User that can be used to identify, associate, or locate the User. By completing the KYC form, the User consents that the Personal Information provided may be used by JIO and its subcontractors for the strict purposes of opening and maintaining the User’s account, and to help JIO provide and improve its products and services to the User. JIO will not use nor share the User’s Personal Information with any third party for any purpose beyond the aforementioned without first obtaining the permission of the User save and except for Court Order.


This contract is governed by the laws of Jamaica